The average house price on ADSWOOD TERRACE is £168,221
The most expensive house in the street is 20 ADSWOOD TERRACE with an estimated value of £171,505
The cheapest house in the street is 22 ADSWOOD TERRACE with an estimated value of £161,655
The house which was most recently sold was 20 ADSWOOD TERRACE, this sold on 17 Sep 2015 for £120,000
The postcode for ADSWOOD TERRACE is SK3 8JW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
20 ADSWOOD TERRACE Terraced , 68 m2 £171,505 £120,000 17 Sep 2015
20 ADSWOOD TERRACE Terraced , 68 m2 £171,505 £120,000 17 Sep 2015
22 ADSWOOD TERRACE Semi-Detached £161,655 £95,000 20 Oct 2006